Call 2021 for joint Innovation projects in Brazil and Switzerland

Português, Brasil

Innosuisse and the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial (EMBRAPII) work together to support international innovation projects implemented by partners from Switzerland and Brazil. Research institutions and companies have the opportunity to submit funding applications in regular calls for proposals. This partnership boosts knowledge and technology transfer and makes both countries more competitive.

Participants from Brazil and Switzerland are invited to submit joint project proposals in the research and development of innovative products and applications with a strong market potential.

The call is open for all topics. However, projects in following topics are particularly appreciated:

  • Biotech and medtech
  • Agriculture and food production
  • Industry 4.0
  • Advanced materials
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Clean energy & water
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Innovation and creativity (social, technical, cultural) und digitalization

Timeline of call process:

  1. February 1, 2021 Call launch
  2. April 30, 2021 Submission deadline for Pre-proposals 
  3. Beginning of June 2021: communication of recommendation for next step.
  4. August 2, 2021 Submission deadline for Full-proposals
  5. End of October 2021: communication of evaluation results and decision.

Application language is in English.

How to take part, eligibility criteria and funding rates:

This is an international, bilateral funding measure and is subject to the funding rules of EMBRAPII for brazilian particpants and Innosuisse for Swiss participants. Please refer to the Joint Call Guidelines.


The search of project partners in Brazil and Switzerland will be supported and organised by Enterprise Europe Network EEN.

EEN Brazil and Switzerland will offer a web-based matchmaking platform to establish contacts between interested organisations.