In 2014, the linkage group articulated with the line of research culture and knowledge: Transversality, intersectionality and (in) formation was named as the emerging research nucleus through the announcement FAPESB/CNPq 009/2014 – Support program for emerging nuclei PRONEM. The selected project involves professors from the three research lines, whose expected result has to do with a cognitive designer to be elaborated, through the field research developed in an interdisciplinary and multi-referential epistemological perspective.
In the same year, the Creative research group: Creating a New World had its project approved in the 023/2014 Edital, interdisciplinary Research Support Program (PROINTER), from the Bahia State Research Foundation (FAPESB), whose goal is to develop Studies and training on active and participatory methodology of applied research focusing on the organization of social capital and social technologies of the communities, as well as the human rights of the collective subjects of the law involved. Interdisciplinarity is highlighted as central to the articulation of projects that are developed by these groups, whose areas of concentration are distinct, such as: education, anthropology, tourism, economics and computer science. This distinction favors the growth of the doctorate by the more neuralgic characterization of the area of interdisciplinarity, which is the construction of an object of study that is concretized by the ambition of the plural dialogue of the disciplines that persist nowadays.
In addition to these funding in research projects, we have 22 scientific initiation scholarship holders, 11 CNPq scholarships, 4 FAPESB scholarship holders, 3 PCIN/UNEB scholarship holders, 02 UFBA scholarship holders, 2 PROET scholarship holders.